You can’t dine out at restaurants or mamaks during MCO, but you can still order food delivery that send to your doorstep. You may wondering how to do it safely. There are few steps that you have to take extra caution.

1. Could COVID-19 spread via food delivery?

Coronaviruses are generally thought to be spread from person-to-person through respiratory droplets,” according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

Hometaste offers CONTACT-LESS DELIVERY to protect both customers and riders. We also have come out with the first ever worry free card!

You can provide instruction for riders to drop off orders on doorsteps, in the lobby or other areas you designated. 

We highly encourage CASHLESS TRANSACTION for better implementation of contactless delivery. You can make payment via debit or credit card and online banking through iPay88. 

worry-free card,food delivery

Below are the examples of contactless delivery:

Contactless Delivery 

To further prevent spreading coronavirus between delivery riders and customers.

Avoid contact

2. How to choose a food delivery company?

Keep up to date on what your preferred delivery company or service is doing to mitigate infection on their websites.

Below are the top of precautionary measures Hometaste will be taking for all orders:

  • We will distributes hand sanitizer and face mask to riders before they’re out for delivery. 
  • All food delivery boxes are to be sanitize before and after delivery.
  • Customers are encouraged to order fully-cooked meals to avoid the uncooked food such as salmon salad, sashimi etc.

Wear mask & sanitize hands.

Cleaning hands can helps to reduce environmental contamination. 

Be safe

3. What to do after you received your food?

You can check on the worry-free card to know the health situation of the ones who prepare and send you the food. Wash your hands for at least 40 seconds before taking out your food. Make sure to avoid touching your face too often. There are no rules in terms of how to remove food from takeout containers, but it’s probably the safest putting it on your plate and throw out the takeout container. Make sure to always was your hands before eating. Lastly, you may re-cooked the meals again if necessary.

Let us serve you 

We will continue to serve you with home-cooked meals as we go through this tough time together as a nation.

Food Delivery

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